Baby Shower at the Carolina Raptor Center
- February 8, 2025
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- Carolina Raptor Center
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- 6000 Sample Road/Huntersville, NC 28078
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- (704) 875-6521
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- 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
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- Ages 23-65: $16.00; Ages 3-13: $12.00; Ages 13-22: $14.00; Under age 3: FREE; Seniors (65+), Military, Teachers, Students: $14.00
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very spring, our Raptor Hospital takes in dozens of baby raptors who need a little help growing big and strong before returning to the wild. While we prepare for the busiest time of year, we invite you to be part of the process!
Join us February 8th for a heartwarming day on the Raptor Trail to celebrate baby raptors and the work our dedicated team puts in to help them along in their journeys. Our passionate Raptor Hospital staff members will be on the trail to demonstrate the special care these birds receive. Learn about the work it takes to care for a baby raptor, from special feeding techniques to the tools we use to keep them warm.
We'll also have baby-themed programs throughout the day with some of our avian ambassadors that you won't want to miss.
11:00 AM - Meet a Raptor
12:15 PM - Hooded Vulture Feeding
1:00 PM - Fly-By
1:45 PM - Eagle Feeding
2:30 PM - Meet a Raptor -